Articles tagged with writing

  • The Best Context Aware Link is You!
    We are in a modern renaissance of hypertext thinking, but the lynchpin is not bi-directional linking, it's you.
  • Hypertext Writing
    Every medium has its strengths. There are considerable strengths inherent to a digital, web-based, way of thinking -- first and foremost is the sheer amount of interactivity and connections you can make.
  • Books as Places
    Books are not only physical objects. They take up space and so they are places.
  • Which Poetic Form is Best?
    How to choose which form to use to write a poem.
  • Why I Self Published
    Why I made the decision to self publish my collection of poetry - Seasons of Thought.
  • Son of Cain
    Thoughts on Steinbeck's East of Eden and a poem inspired by the story of Cain and Abel.
  • On Writing Poems Daily
    My reflections on writing one poem every day for a year.

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